Almost every Dane knows about Kai Normann Andersen (1900-1967). He was a composer and left us with over 900 melodies, of which many have become evergreens. Particularly he is loved and cherished because of his music to Danish films, operettas and revues of the 30’ies, 40’ies and 50’ies. To this day, his popular songs are played on the radio, on TV and at concerts. The singers and musicians of today often adjust them to fit the present genres. Kai Normann Andersen composed a lot of his music to the lyrics written by Mogens Dam and Poul Henningsen. This kind of music was in focus. Several of the songs are very well composed and written. Nowadays they are as much relevant as they were in the past. Kai Norman Andersen’s music is folksy in the very best way – it is smiley, sad, cheerful, swinging and happy – and it is as Danish as it gets