Original titleSPERM WARS
Cast4 total (2 F and 2 M)
Variable cast sizeNo
RepresentationNordic representation
LanguagesDanish, Finsk
2 F / 2 M The title of this play, could indicate that one is to witness a student revue sketch. Nevertheless, there is a most serious theme behind this first full-length play by David Lewis as it deals with involuntary childlessness and artificial insemination, as well as the impact such circumstances may have on a marriage. We meet Matt who is a lecturer in biology with a dissertation in sperm quality and additionally is obsessed with analysing his own sperm. All the while, he cannot impregnate his wife Lucy, so therefore they involve an old college friend, which eventually complicates things further. Despite their immense love for each other, they constantly fight reciprocally with such a dry sense of humour, familiar to what passed between Albee’s George and Martha. Altogether it is a seriously witty play that is constantly entertaining