A fitting and very entertaining trilogy about women and men, produced with great success at Kaleidoskop and Det Kongelige Teater in Copenhagen from 2004 – 2007. The plays KRIG (WAR), UNDSKYLD! (SORRY!) and PIS (PISS) can be performed together or separately.
This is a biting comedy about today’s man; his condition, his place and his mood. Men’s position in society is developing and has changed immensely since the liberation of women. So how are men these days? What are they thinking? It’s their turn! They’re in control. They’re leaders again. Kings! An entertaining and raw text about five completely different men, who reveal their inner masculine secrets. Premiered at Det Kongelige Teater, Copenhagen. “Half an hour of sublime male theatre. Funny like a revue, soft like an embrace” – Jyllands-Posten / “Women! Bring your men to this wonderful theatre experience for both sexes!” – Urban / “Five incredible actors lovingly depict today’s men” – Politiken / “Hilarious, intelligent and entertaining male revue at Det Kongelige Teater” – Berlingske Tidende / The hormones are pinding in Kamilla Wargo Brekling’s thundering theatrical manifest about men.” – Dagbladet Information.