This musical revolves around the pilot Billy Buck Chandler and his determination to become the first pilot ever to cross the Atlantic. However, his plans are put back drastically when he falls head over heals in love with the swimmer Edythe Herbert, after meeting her at a railway station. In order to impress her, he enrols on a course in sophistication with Mr. Magix, who teaches him a thing or two. At last, when more educated, Billy meets Edythe ‘by coincidence’ at a movie theatre. They instantly fall in love, so Edythe decides to leave the theatre group she belongs to, even though she is the principal actress. But, Prince Nikki becomes insanely jealous and is threatening to ruin their plan of escape, by revealing Edythe’s past. Alas, yet again Billy goes to Mr. Magix for advice. Eventually he tracks her down in Morocco and manages to persuade her into returning to America with him so they can get married at last.
This is one of the best musical scores by George and Ira Gershwin.
Bass (Doubles Cabasa)
Reed I: Piccolo, Flute, Clarinet, Soprano and Alto Sax
Reed II: Flute, Clarinet, Bass Clarinet and Alto Sax
Reed III: Flute, Oboe, English Horn, Clarinet and Tenor Sax (or Clarinet and Tenor Saxophone)
Reed IV: Flute (or Clarinet), Clarinet, Bassoon and Baritone
Horn I & II
Trumpet I & II (Trumpet I doubles on Piccolo Trumpet)
Trumpet III
Trombone I
Trombone II (Bass Trombone)
Percussion I & II
Piano I (doubles Cow Bell)
Piano II (doubles Claves, Cabasa, Police Whistle and Piatti)