A play based on the myth of Christ’s Second coming which transforms the Gospel into a grotesque – poetic farce about the author Morten Kreuz, who wakes up in a hospital following an unsuccessful suicide attempt. He is confronted by a number of people, who all behave in the manner of nightmarish caricatures: the physician, the nurse, the whore, the tax collector and the character: “The Lunatic” who finally turns into the cross which Morten Kreuz will have to carry on his shoulders. These people base their lives on pills, alcohol, and non-committal entertainment, but they also reveal that they long for substance in their lives. They see Morten Kreuz as the possibility, because he sticks to his message of Love and to his belief in the goodness of Man. The play which in the best Morti Vizki-style alternates between poetic rapture and absurd lunacy develops into a text which touches exactly on the desperate search for a meaning, an anchorage and values of some sort, which stretch beyond the superficial entertainment. The play was very popular with the young audience at “The Jomfru Ane Theatre” in Aalborg.