A fitting and very entertaining trilogy about women and men, produced with great success at Kaleidoskop and Det Kongelige Teater in Copenhagen from 2004 – 2007. The plays KRIG (WAR), UNDSKYLD! (SORRY!) and PIS (PISS) can be performed together or separately.
KRIG (WAR) is about relationships, the many faces of love and the controversy of every-day-life. Four actors are involved in varying love constellations and situations whilst the fights mutate. Episodes and moments from the battlefield of every-day-life are examined – the weapon being words and the greatest fear being loneliness. This is about the different ways of men and women. Stylized images from the big and small events of life are pouring out from the stage, armed with humour. As the play focuses on the challenges of relationships, it is done with a lovingly cynical empathy, in which you will recognise both the most wonderful moments and the most horrible power struggles. Premiered at Kalaidoskop, Copenhagen. ”The best laugh in town” – Jyllands-Posten / ”Excellent war” – Politiken / ”This show should be promoted to cult status. Rarely have the grotesque pleasures and sorrows of a relationship been roasted as effectively and humorously as in KRIG. [It] is simply a hit. Bright, Sharp, but most of all very, very entertaining. […] Damn, this is funny. […] This play hits the jackpot” – Børsen.