Original titleJULIUS
Cast24 total (10 F and 14 M)
Variable cast sizeNo
RepresentationWorldwide representation
On the open street a young man commits an attempted assassination against the prime minister of his country. The intention is to start a revolution. The young Julius Rasmussen misses his two gun shots, is overpowered and thrown into prison. Julius shot to start an encounter against Jacob Estrup’s half dictatorial government in the 1880’s in Denmark. What was the deeper reason to his action? Are there situations where violence can be allowed? The outer drama of the play is to be seen. With the singer of the saloon “La Coquette” – as a festive and colourful frame – a play a la roundabout is going on between the singers of the saloon and the bourgeois, a secret friend of Jacob Estrup and her benefactor – a wholesaler of wine including hand weapon as her speciality. One of the main characters –the maid Oline – falls deeply and madly in love with the young rebel Julius whose fateful act she directly is caused to – and must dance her last partner dance in loneliness. The new composed music mixes the inspirations of the 1800’s variety with modern sounds and a ray of Berlin cabaret. The musical had a praised opening in October 2001 in The Music Theatre in Vejle, Denmark, and toured afterwards.