JUDITH (Kjeld Abell)

Original titleJUDITH
Cast12 total (9 F and 3 M)
Variable cast sizeYes
RepresentationWorldwide representation

A young couple coincidently run into each other on a country road. He gives her a ride. A storm begins and they take cover in the house of a widow rural dean and her daughter. They pretend to be a married couple and sleep in the same room. During the night they experience the drama about Judith; the Jewish girl who saves her town by sneaking into king Nebukadnezar’s camp and kill the commander Holofernes. The name of the girl, lying in the bed, is also Judith. In the play we experience Judith of the present as Judith of the past. The guy next to her is the trusted man of Holofernes who is destined to kill her before sunrise. But instead they fall in love. In the end of the play, the young couple leave the rural dean holding hands.