A broad, ¨Ibsenesqe¨ family drama, where different generations and opposing values are caught in a fierce battle against one another. The play tackles large issues such as loyalty, guilt and remorse and is set in a remote fishing village where the industry is about to be lost to speculators. The ¨old¨ method of running things has become obsolete and a dying, old time capitalist struggles to keep things as they have always been, but is faces with his own offspring, a younger generation of city dwellers whose greet knows no limits. The dialog is hard hitting and funny and the play won the Icelandic Theatre Prize, was chosen the best Icelandic play and one of the five best Scandinavian plays of the year. The production of the National Theatre was invited to the Bonner Biennale for new European playwriting. The play is translated into English, German, Polish, Færöish and Swedish.