How is it possible to enter old age with grace when there’s so much to be done,
things to achieve, places to go, loves to be loved, and sex; more sex to be had? The
six aging characters in “Do not go gently…’ are not settling in for their twilight years at
all, in fact they are in a rage against the dying of the light.“Do not go gently…” is a
play about regret, about what you forget, because you choose to, because it eludes
you, because the memory is too sweet, or too painful, and to think of it is insufferable.
Scott, Wilson, Bowers, Evans and Oates make their final trek to the Pole. It is this
infamous and fateful journey which frames this play and allows other people’s stories
to be told. Their memories colour the plains of ice as they trudge across them.
Available at
Winner of the 2006 RE Ross Trust Script Development Award
Winner 2006 Patrick White Playwrights Award