This show takes place in glittering New York in the 1930’ies, backstage at a Broadway theatre where a new musical is only days from its opening. We follow the provincial girl Ruby who has had her lucky break in form of a place in the choir and before long she has also fallen in love with the sailor and songwriter Dick. But then in the midst of rehearsals, a notification arrives declaring the building condemned and so it is to be demolished in favour of a new motorway. Luckily a navy warship is in harbour nearby, so the show is transferred and when the lead singer becomes seasick, Ruby gets the chance to be the stand-in. So eventually everybody is singing and tapping their way towards a triple stage marriage right at the end.
*Piano I – Conductor’s Score
*Piano II
*Percussion (Vibraphone, Xylophone, Drums)
Reed I: Alto Saxophone, Clarinet
Reed II: Tenor Saxophone, Clarinet
Violins A & B
Violin C
* Alternate Duo-Piano version is available.