This is a highly unpredictable and psychological thriller that revolves around Corinne and Richard, a wealthy young married couple that have left London, in order to start afresh in the countryside. He is a doctor and discreetly it is indicated that he is a former heroin addict and that he has been unfaithful to his wife. Then one night Richard brings home a young American woman. Her name is Rebecca and he claims to have found her unconscious in the roadside. However, one day when Corinne is alone with her, it turns out that she is a very cunning and manipulating woman with a rather mischievous influence on Richard. Effectively, the sleeping children upstairs as well as the scissors and needles that Corinne finds in Rebecca’s bag intensify the nerve-racking atmosphere that surrounds the crumbling couple. The language throughout is cool and slightly stylized. So all together ‘The Country’ is a rare, well-written and refined psychological drama that maintains a sense of wit even though the story is heartbreakingly tragic.