Libretto: Axel Hellstenius
Songs: Axel Hellstenius & Frank Hammersland
Music: Frank Hammersland
Dramaturge/co-author: Oda Radoor
6 F / 6 M
Orchestra: 3
Norwegian text
DØDEN PÅ OSLO S – musical by Axel Hellstenius with music by Frank Hammersland is both a story about being young, a portrait of a smaller city and a touching love story. The musical is based on Ingvar Ambjørnsen’s seminal youth novel from 1988, which many young people in the 80s were deeply moved by. When the novel was made into a movie in 1990, the film was quickly perceived as the generational story of its time and a cult phenomenon. This is the story of the friends Pelle and Proffen, of Lena, Nina, Stein and Filla, who each bear their misfortune, and of the people who ruthlessly exploit the unhappy and rootless young people. The musical premiered at the National Theater in Oslo in the spring of 2023 and thrilled both the audience and the critics
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©Erika Hebbert

©Erika Hebbert

©Erika Hebbert