TØRST, Teater Får302 2016 © Mie Riis


Original titleTØRST
Cast3 total (2 F and 1 M)
Variable cast sizeNo
RepresentationWorldwide representation
TranslatorGaye Kynoch
LanguagesDanish, English

A family is falling apart after the death of the father, Tom. His widow and his daughter struggle to regain their strength in the remains of their home, unable to reach each other. THIRST is an honest and poetic play filled with grotesque humour and illuminated by magical realism. It takes its audience into a dark universe of grief and pain – a pain which the wife of the deceased refuses to let go, fearing that she will lose the memory of her husband. A meditation on the taboos of loss and the consequences of life.
Abelone Koppel was nominated for the prestigious Reumert Award for the script of TØRST, which also won for best leading actress in 2016.

★★★★ The little piece of sorrow glows strongly.

★★★★★ Strong and sensuous piece about the taboos of loss. An hour of intense drama about the inevitable consequence of life.

★★★★ A delicate story of sorrow, filled by sensuous metaphors.
Berlingske Tidende

★★★★★ A delicate chamber play about a daughter’s struggles to reach her mother, who is nearly dehydrated by grief.
CPH Culture

★★★★ A beautiful and relevant text with impressionistic images that. A condensed and colourful dialogue that manifests itself in a perfect balance between body and thought, image and statement.

★★★★★ A very honest portrait of a family in grief.

★★★★★ The play gives room for the grief in all its aspects.
Ungt Teaterblod