The play was performed at the famous Bonner Biennale in Germany in 1996 and was also nominated for The Nordic Drama Prize. The story of Cain and Abel is well known. It was the first murder on earth, a fratricide. But how did it really happen? What caused it? Was it jealousy, was it the Lord, or did Lucifer (here a beautiful woman) engineer it? As the play opens, Paradise has recently been lost. The two brothers are aware that their parents were there. They are also aware that Paradise will never be a part of their own lives. Envy and animosity grow between Cain, the brother keen on adapting to their world, and Abel, who is defiant against the Lord and lustful for sheep and femmes fatales. The beautiful Lucifer arouses desires and thoughts in both brothers. She plays them against each other and ignites a flame which she fans into a massive inferno. The play is translated into German.