Original titleJORDEN RUNDT I 80 DAGE
Cast14 total (3 F and 11 M)
Variable cast sizeNo
RepresentationWorldwide representation
LyricistNiels Brunse
This is the classic tale about the English eccentric adventurer, Philieas Fogg who embarks on a journey around the world, together with his faithful servant Passepartout. In this new adaptation of Jules Vern’s novel by Bengt Ahlfors, the ironic trait has been intensified further than originally. So Fogg has become a conceited Englishman from the Victorian age who travels the world without taking anything onboard. He simply takes it for granted that English is spoken at every destination of his, he complains about the food and never gives a thought to where his funding originates. Also in this version, his loyal travel companion Passepartout has become a levelheaded realist with an eye for the world’s stupidity but also for the finer things in life. This slight twist in the plot creates a larger contrast between the conceited Victorian Philieas Fogg and the quick-witted servant, rather similar to the tale about Don Quixote and Sancho Panza. And therefore the dreamer and the realist travel the world together but experience it in completely different ways. It is certainly an entertaining show and is suitable for the whole family as it is a journey in time and space and a hymn to imagination. SONGS: Cook rejs og vær glad; En rigtig mekanikmand; Den tapre engelskmand; Spil på Mr. Fogg; Den nye og den gamle verden; Skændeduet; Hyldest til en streng Gud; Fra Dover til Calcutta; Never give up; Spil på Mr. Fogg (2); Giv mig et tegn; Den amerikanske drøm; Vi skal fyre; Lykken er gods og guld; Hvis bare…; Alting har vi vundet; Farvel, Farvel. ORCHESTRATION: Piano Pizzicato Pizzicato double bass Strings Barrel Organ Xylofon Piccolo Piatti Timpani