This is a great new musical with music by Sigurd Barret, a beloved Danish public figure. The musical has been composed to the original text of Shakespeare, and every act is 70 minutes. The story follows the classic Shakespeare comedy and stars Duke Theseus who is getting married and a series of mix-ups caused by the playful elves in the forest. The comedy escalates as a group of very clumsy tradesmen from Athens want to perform a play at the wedding party. In this musical, the tradesmen are rappers, and their scenes are filled with tempo and gags. The musical is a lovely combination of touching love melodies, catchy tunes and up tempo songs crammed with comedy and action. A perfect combination of the classic Shakespeare text and Sigurd Barrett’s catchy music – a family show which will be enjoyed by all audiences. So far, the show has only been performed locally in Viborg, and has not been performed professionally. What makes the show unique is the fact that the many actors can take on several roles, and it can be produced with a large or smaller orchestra. All voices, the script and the score are available digitally.